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Mission and Vision Statement

Vision Statement

The vision of Rex Mill Middle STEM School is to be a school of high performing  leaders who are able to draw upon the intentional exposure and experiences in the arts, sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematical practices to solve problems within our community.

Mission Statement

The mission of Rex Mill Middle STEM School is to develop our students to be influential leaders in building our community through intentional exposure, experiences, and events in various career fields utilizing skills in the arts, sciences, technology, engineering and mathematical practices.

Diversity Statement

Rex Mill Middle School is proud to adopt two key components of Magnet Schools of America which also aligns with Clayton County Public Schools magnet expectations: 1) theme-based curriculum and instruction and 2) school diversity.  Our school will continue to promote racial and socioeconomic diversity by attracting students from various backgrounds. Rex Mill Middle School strives to integrate the arts across disciplines and serve a diverse school population.

Our Educational Philosophy

We believe children have first priority on all of our resources to address their needs to experience the arts, science, technology, engineering, and math.


We believe education, with a focus on arts, science, technology, engineering, and math is the shared responsibility of the student, the parent/guardian, the school, and the community.


We believe communication and understanding among all stakeholders of our diverse community are essential to achieving the goals of education with an intentional focus on arts, science, technology, engineering, and math.


We believe that learning is a continuous process with a focus on art, music, science, math and engineering being most productive when the needs of each child are met through high quality instruction provided by competent and caring adults. 


We believe in a learning environment where everyone experiences security, care, dignity, and respect is essential.

We create pathways for students to experience 21st century careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and the Arts.


Strategic Goals

1. To increase academic achievement for all students by exposing them to career and college experiences in the arts, science, math,  and engineering. .


2. To provide and maintain a safe, orderly and secure learning environment.


3. To create an environment that promotes active engagement in art, science, math and technology with accountability and collaboration of all stakeholders to maximize student achievement.


4. To provide high quality support services delivered on time and within budget to promote high performance at Rex Mill Middle STEM School. 


5. To recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective staff that are competent in the areas of science, technology, mathematics, and the arts.

Comprehensive School Improvement Plans

Rex Mill Middle School CSIP 2021-2022 (2).docx

2024-2025 (TBA)