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Discipline/Code of Conduct



The Department of Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention (DPI) provides leadership, support, oversight, and coordination for planning, implementing and assessing initiatives or practices that promote positive student behavior, safe and orderly environments in which teaching and learning are the priority. All the supports and the evidence-based practices implemented by the department are aligned with the District’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for behavior. 

The Department of Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention develops, coordinates, and implements the Student Codes of Conduct which promote appropriate student behavior, positive climate and a culture of respect and dignity by supporting scholars as they strive to become productive and responsible citizens in a global society.

              The Department provides recommendations to school officials on discipline matters and offers professional learning opportunities on behavior management, restorative and supportive discipline  practices among others. Protecting the due process rights of scholars who violate school rules and policies is one of the many responsibilities of this department.

              The Department of Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention coordinates behavioral supports and provides staff with effective scientific and evidence-based interventions and strategies designed to promote our scholars' social emotional growth, resilience and positive school outcomes. 


Dr. Maureen Egbuna
Director of Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention

Dr. Michele F. Flowers
Coordinating Supervisor of Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention

Mrs. Portia Whitlow-Lewis
Lead District PBIS, Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention

Mrs. Amanah Thrasher
Lead District PBIS, Student Discipline, Prevention and Intervention

CCPS Non-Negotiables
